Tuesday, 22 February 2011


Compact Furniture Design

Conserving space?

Mike and Doug Starn studio

Bare, easy to strip back, height (we have this) therefore, room for storage (we will need this)


Studio Blog

I have added you all as contributors, so you can start posting links and ideas. 
You can consider how this blog, like your studio, can also 'look good' as well as serve a function. You can add images and change the layout if you choose (hopefully I have the setting right to enable this)

SIAC Summer Studio

Last year a number of organisations in Chicago ran simultaneous events examining these questions:
■Why is the studio important to art and artists today? ■What is the artist studio today? ■What infrastructures are needed to support art practice and production?

Monday, 21 February 2011

Research Start

Just to start you off, here are a few artist names to begin your research:
Andrea Zittel
Bruce Nauman
Jorge Pardo
Martino Gamper
Atelier van Lieshout... More to come with links 

Sunday, 20 February 2011


Welcome to Studio Now. 
This research blog will be a useful tool in your SCUL 201 project.