Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Julia's Ideal studio..

Toning down - How can I incorporate these dream ideas into a real space that exists, and how do my ideas relate to everyone elses. The below images are spaces that physically exist and are within our access. Now to come up with a design that compiles these ideas into something that we can actually fabricate.
STUDIO NOW - WHAT IS PLAUSIBLE? and also identifying limitations and constraints.
Tree hut combo of the below ideas - once again unlimited budget.....
Floors and platforms raise above the storeys so you can use the structure of the house as scaffolding. You can work on the rooftops amongst the trees. Above section for researching but lower a workshop studio. Lots of glass and natural light.

Space and lighting, beams to "hang" things from - so making use of vertical space.
Space, easy access to the outdoors, natural lighting.
Phillip Johnson Glasshouse.

Unlimited budget Ideal Studio - Tony Stark's Lair.
Ceiling opens up for Iron man's escape but also for accommodating large scale works.
Heaps of space, Walls fold down for ventilation and working outside by the sea, Technologically capable of amazing multimedia displays. Great coffee machine. Robots for heavy lifting.
Con's - dreadful lighting in the winter.

Aly's Ideal Studio..

Some thoughts on an ideal studio