Friday, 1 April 2011

Baptism of Fire

Hi All,
I'm not able to be in today, as I have to use my research days productively for my own research.
It seems there has been some tension over the last few days, which is a shame after the excitement of starting construction.
Once you get into the workshop or start actually making a work that has previously only existed in drawings or in the mind changes are inevitable... its good you have been open to this, but as you are working collectively on this its important that any decisions are agreed on. Communication is key. I realise that the collaborative nature of this project poses challenges, but being a sculptor you will be working with others to realise your work, with technicians, with other experts and as a group at the SFA with each other.
Discussion over the last few days has also raised some other interesting questions...
How important is a collective/community when making work?
Why design and make a desk at all when you can use a found object... as an artist why make anything if a found object can serve the same purpose?  Duchamp certainly opened our eyes to this with his found object works...
The importance of function over form or vice versa... how practical realities and constraints around budget have driven some aesthetic decisions...
These questions and concerns are good ones to be thinking about at the start of your time in the SCUL studio...
Post comments you may have here, and we can continue a conversation at our meeting on Tuesday.
It would be good to have a production schedule and list of items for purchase by Monday, so things can keep moving... I'm with 301/401's but can catch up at 9:30

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